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Shaw's China unit to boost nylon fibre output at US plant (United States Of America)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-29 09:50:33  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
Shaw Industries Inc., the Dalton, Georgia-based full-service flooring company, is setting up a manufacturing plant in China, which will boost production of some items like coloured nylon fibres and chemical pellets at the company’s carpet-tile plant in Cartersville, Georgia.
Shaw Contract Group, a subsidiary of Shaw Industries, has begun construction of a factory on over 215,000 sq ft of area in textile hub of Nantong, about 60 miles from Shanghai.
The flooring giant would sell the items produced in the China plant in the Asian market. The company has showrooms or sales offices in Singapore and five Chinese cities. Its third Asian showroom opened in Beijing in May this year.
Previously, the firm catered to the Chinese demand by exporting carpet tiles from Georgia. However, the new plant in China will spur the use of raw materials such as coloured nylon fibres and chemical pellets that are produced in Georgia.
The new carpet-tile plant in Nantong, in Jiangsu province, is likely to go operational late next year and would open 75-100 new employment opportunities.
The company aims to produce over 10 million sq ft of carpet tiles in the first year of production.
Nantong in the Yangtze River Delta was selected as an ideal location for setting up the carpet-tile factory due to its woven textile history as well as good transportation, infrastructure and government support.
Shaw Industries is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., the holding company of renowned investor Warren E. Buffett. With annual sales of more than US$ 4 billion, Shaw employs around 25,000 people.
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文章关键词: nylon fibre  output  Shaw's China unit 


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