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SACTWU opposes AMSA court plea for closure of 400 firms (South Africa)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-06 09:56:48  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
The Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers’ Union (SACTWU) has opposed the court application moved by the Apparel Manufacturers of South Africa (AMSA), seeking to compel the National Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing Industry (NBC) to close about 400 companies that are not willing to comply with the minimum wage agreements.
SACTWU said it would make all efforts to save about 21,000 jobs, which are likely to be lost in the event of the Durban labour court ruling in favour of shutting down the non-complying apparel units.
Mr. Andre Kriel, the Union’s General Secretary, said the workers want a living wage and not closure of factories, which would cost their jobs.
AMSA Executive Director Johann Baard said they took recourse to the legal route to ensure that action was taken against those companies that do not comply with minimum wage norms.
AMSA argues that the issue of non-compliance needs to be resolved before its members agree to discuss new wages with representatives of workers’ unions.
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文章关键词: SACTWU  AMSA court  closure 400 firms 


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