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NE•TIGER presents fashion show embodying Chinese ethnicity (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-11 10:19:12  来源:NE•TIGER 收藏
NE•TIGER, at the invitation of the State Council Information Office of China, participated in the "2012 Experience China -- On Tour in Japan" campaign celebrating the 40th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations.

During the campaign, together with China's top models, NE•TIGER presented a uniquely stylized fashion show entitled "Forever Lasting -- Fashion Embodying Chinese Traditions" to the guests in attendance.

On the afternoon of July 3, Zhang Zhifeng, chairman of NE•TIGER, delivered a keynote speech at the Sino-Japanese Fashion Forum co-organized by the China Fashion Color Association and the Japan Fashion Association, where he took part in an in-depth discussion with prominent fashion designers from both China and Japan as well as senior executives in the Chinese and Japanese fashion industries about "brands and markets".

Mr. Zhang is also concurrently chairman of the China Committee of the Asia Fashion Federation and deputy chairman of the China Fashion Color Association.

China boasts a long history of clothing culture. Due to the spread of Chinese civilization and the historical influence of Chinese culture across the region, Chinese-style clothing has had a profound and far-reaching effect on clothing styles in a number of neighboring eastern Asian countries, regardless of boundary and nationality, including Japan and South Korea.

According to the Nihon Shoki, (also referred to as the "Chronicles of Japan"), the kimono is also called Gofuku in Japan (meaning "clothes of Wu"), as the earliest kimonos were heavily influenced by the clothing styles of China's Three Kingdoms period.

The textiles and sewing method of the Kingdom of Wu were introduced to Japan through frequent foreign trade activities between the Kingdom of Wu and Japan. Today, fashion designers in France and Italy also employ traditional Chinese crafts such as silk tapestry, yunjin (cloud pattern brocade) and embroidery in their designs.

The Chinese method of dress as a unique fashion ensemble is a representation of the artistic style of Chinese civilization as well as the embodiment of the classical culture of Oriental splendor and a unique style of thought. Chinese clothing, which has always been at the forefront of the fashion and luxury worlds, has served and continues to serve as a model for other countries and as a demonstration of the cultural wealth and pride of the Chinese people.

Just as every NE•TIGER Hua Fu design draws its inspiration from China's traditional modes of dress, embodying the quintessence of Chinese culture and civilization, the designs remain genuinely faithful to tradition, while also deftly and creatively incorporating new and innovative modern concepts.

“China has been called Hua Xia throughout its history as China has always had an elaborate and intricate system of etiquette (referred to as "Xia") and a sophisticated style of dress (meaning "Hua")". The NE•TIGER Hua Fu series is a true demonstration of the beauty of Hua Xia and, from the traditional Chinese way of viewing the world, a representation of universal unity!

Chinese luxury goods are taking a leading position across the globe and NE•TIGER is taking the lead in this domain. NE•TIGER, which is based on China's culture stretching back five thousand years, is certain to continue creating new surprises for the Chinese and global fashion world.

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文章关键词: NE•  TIGER  fashion show  Chinese ethnicity 


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