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ACIMIT green label bags RINA certificate of conformity (Italy)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-16 09:41:34  来源:Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT) 收藏
Italian textile machinery industry has become a benchmark in worldwide research for innovative technologies designed to reduce production costs and improve environmental impact. As part of its  “Sustainable  Technologies” project, Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT)  firstly created the  green label,  a certification that aims to  identify and  render easily  comprehensible  the energy and environmental performances of textile machinery, in particular by pointing out  the  quantity of  equivalent emissions of  carbon dioxide  (Carbon Footprint  - CFP) produced during the machine’s operation.

Subsequently, the  Association  chose  RINA,  an  international certification body,  to define  and  validate  the process for issuing  the  ACIMIT green label. 

Manufacturers participating in the “Sustainable Technologies” project are in fact obliged to adhere to implementation measures and operating instructions on the measurement of energy and environmental performances declared by the green label.

RINA does not just limit itself to defining regulatory measures, since it also inspects and verifies their correct application, thus providing a guarantee of the accuracy of the performance indicators reported on the ACIMIT green label.

Each year, as stipulated by the specifications,  a  sampling of  20%  of all the machinery producers participating in the project will be subjected to a monitoring procedure by  RINA,  which will control procedures for the measurement of parameters and the operating conditions of machines on which the green label is being affixed. 

The sampling inspection by RINA of green labels issued is a guarantee for all green label machinery produced in accordance with ACIMIT’s own specifications. 

This year,  RINA  has  verified green labels at  6  machinery manufacturers, out of the  34 which have thus far  used this process: Flainox, Itema, Jaeggli, Reggiani, Santoni  and Tonello. On 25 June, RINA released the certificate of conformity (attached here) for the green label issuing process.

With the green label certification procedure, Italian machinery manufacturers can provide potential customers verifiable information on the performance of their machinery.  For ACIMIT, this is a moment of great satisfaction, “The certificate of conformity released by RINA for our green label provides further confirmation of the entire sector’s commitment to sustainable production standards.”

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