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Eco-friendly clothing firm implements Gerber's YuniquePLM (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-17 08:39:54  来源:Gerber Technology 收藏
ICICLE, one of the most respected brands in China, has chosen Gerber’s YuniquePLM software to improve communication between its design, supplier and manufacturing communities. Shanghai-based ICICLE Brand Management Co. will install 80 PLM user licenses and 20 supplier licenses during the first phase of implementation. With YuniquePLM, ICICLE will more closely manage its samples, tech packs, bills of materials and supplier relationships and, thereby, uphold its elevated brand position.

Ye Shouzeng, general manager and Design director of ICICLE, said, “Independent product design and development requires a lot of communication among groups and departments. After seeing the possibilities of Gerber’s YuniquePLM system, we sincerely believe that this system can help us communicate more effectively and improve the overall management of our many product lines.”

ICICLE has very strict guidelines for selecting suppliers. Mr. Ye noted, “We have been using Gerber’s AccuMark pattern design, grading and marker making software since 2006. We decided to continue to partner with Gerber for the long term because of their leading position in the fashion industry and because their pattern design system integrates well with their PLM system – eliminating a lot of redundant work for us.”

Bill Brewster, vice president of Global Sales and Marketing for Gerber Technology’s Yunique business said, “I am pleased that such a well-respected and popular Chinese fashion brand has realized the value of Gerber’s YuniquePLM system in the quest to balance environmental responsibility with business growth and profitability.”

ICICLE was founded in 1997 in Shanghai. The company manages seven production lines for women’s wear, men’s wear, infant and children’s clothing and launches new collections every Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter. Sales and profits have grown significantly year-on-year for the past several years.

As a brand committed to offering quality products to Chinese customers, ICICLE imports high-quality, natural materials from all over the world including cotton from Japan and knitted fabrics and wool from Italy. The company also uses high-end cotton, bamboo and silk produced in China.

Mr. Ye added, “Our creative design team works closely with our technical designers and our entire organization is very serious about production because we know that good design can only be communicated through high-quality products. By implementing YuniquePLM, we will be able to improve not only the overall management of our product lines but also efficiencies in pattern design, sample making, technical design, materials procurement, costing and supplier management. All of this will help us ensure we consistently deliver a high-quality, high-fashion product to the market with lower labor costs.”

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