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http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-17 17:35:40  来源:中国纺织网 收藏

  The extent to which a textile material has a sound-absorbing effect and which are the noises that cause wind flow, can now be investigated using acoustic test apparatus at the Hohenstein Institute in Bönnigheim.


  Hohenstein scientists in the team working with Dr. Jan Beringer, in conjunction with Hochschule Reutlingen and Rökona Textilwerk GmbH in Tübingen, have developed innovative test methods to investigate the acoustic and aeroacoustic properties of textile materials.

  德国海恩斯坦研究院科学小组在Jan Beringer博士带领下,与罗伊特林根大学(Hochschule Reutlinge)和在蒂宾根的Rökona Textilwerk GmbH公司共同研发了一种新的检验方法,来调查纺织材料的声学和空气声学特性。

  Noise now pervades all parts of our everyday lives and is becoming an increasing source of stress. In addition to the negative effects on the nervous system, studies have shown that it diminishes concentration ability by about 20-30 percent, reduces work performance, increases accident risks and above all decreases feelings of comfort. Even sounds above 40 decibels corresponding approximately to soft radio music can produce these negative effects.

  噪音遍及我们的日常生活,成为压力的来源。除了负面影响神经系统,研究表明它会分散人约20% -30%的注意力,降低人的工作效率,增加事故风险,减少舒适的感觉,即便柔和的电台音乐在40分贝以上也会产生干扰影响。

  Therefore sound-absorbing textile materials are gaining popularity in the many sectors where sounds are perceived as unpleasant and disruptive. It is primarily in the interior design and automotive sectors where specifically adapted materials are used to minimise and optimise noises leading to a rise in acoustic comfort.


  For instance, sound-absorbing ceilings, partitions, floors and furniture surfaces in public facilities, open-plan offices and exhibition halls as well as technical textiles in vehicle interior linings are all effective measures to counter acoustic disturbances.


  During the testing process at the Hohenstein Institute different textile materials are investigated with the acoustic measuring device. The fabric to be tested is clamped in a sample holder between a loud speaker and a measuring microphone. One great benefit here is the small sample size as fabric samples measuring only 10 x 10 cm are large enough. Measurements are taken within a frequency spectrum of 200–20,000 Hz to ascertain the extent (decibels) to which the fabric attenuates/dampens the signal sent by the loudspeaker.

  在德国海恩斯坦研究院,专家使用声学测量装置检验不同的纺织材料。要测试的织物夹在样品架上放置在一个扬声器和测量麦克风之间。这个检验的一个优点是只需要用10×10厘米的面料样品进行测试。测量频率在200 - 20,000 Hz的程度(分贝),以确定织物衰减/抑制了由扬声器发出的频谱信号。

  The aeroacoustic test determines the frequency spectra of the often disturbing background noise of textile air flow. The Hohenstein Institute test apparatus is able to investigate virtually all samples ranging from small laboratory samples up to complete components and can simulate wind speeds of up to 140 km/h.


  The textile or component is exposed to air flow and a special measurement microphone is then used to record the noise caused by the air flow. This noise is then subject to computer analysis and the corresponding frequencies of the noise are determined. These resulting comparative figures then enable materials to be optimized for the most diverse of uses.


  As well as capturing the aeroacoustic properties of textile fabrics, locally-triggered causes of air flow noises can also be determined. This knowledge can then be used to optimise textile s and components even more.


The acoustic test assesses the noise permeability level of a specific fabric.©Fotolia

声学测试用来评估特定纺织品的噪音渗透率© Fotolia。

If some rest is needed after a fast ride, a noise-optimised soft-top provides more comfort and offers protection against annoying wind and driving noise. ©Fotolia


The new acoustic test shows how much noise the human ear registers despite sound-absorbing textiles. ©Hohenstein/ Fotolia

新的声学测试可显示,纺织品吸音后人耳听到噪音量。©Hohenstein / Fotolia

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