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Li-Ning to provide apparels for Red Bull King of the Rock (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-20 09:10:34  来源:Li Ning Company Limited 收藏
Li-Ning, a leading athletic footwear and apparel company founded by Chinese Olympic medal-winning gymnast Li Ning, will serve as the official footwear and apparel partner for Red Bull King of the Rock, the first official sporting event ever to be held on Alcatraz Island.

Li-Ning will support the U.S. qualifying events and the world championship event, held in “The Yard” of the notorious island. Additional partners for the third annual Red Bull King of the Rock basketball tournament include Skullcandy, Dime Magazine and 24 Hour Fitness.

Red Bull King of the Rock is a global one-on-one basketball tournament that includes 90 qualifying competitions outside of the United States and 33 regional competitions spread throughout the country from May through September. Each city crowns a champion who is invited to compete in the world championship event held on the notorious prison yard of Alcatraz Island on Sept. 22. The event champion will receive a $20,000 prize.

As the official merchandise arm of the event, Li-Ning will provide the official game jerseys for all U.S. qualifying events. The company will also provide specially designed head-to-toe gear for the final competitors on Alcatraz Island, including the Mayhem – the latest Li-Ning performance basketball style for this fall’s release – game shorts, jerseys and warm-ups.

“We’re really looking forward to partnering with Red Bull and leveraging their brand strength and expertise in putting on a great event,” said Craig Heisner, VP of Sales, Marketing and Merchandising for Li-Ning.

“The competition brings out the heart of the game of basketball, and we believe that’s exactly what resonates with our brand. We’re excited to outfit the qualifiers with exclusively designed apparel and have our brand out there on the court.”

Li-Ning is also running a sweepstakes for “The Most Notorious Island Getaway.” On Sept. 1, one winner will receive round-trip coach airfare for two people to San Francisco, a two-night hotel stay and two guest passes for the Red Bull King of The Rock finals at “The Yard” on Alcatraz Island. Transportation to and from the airport and to the event is included.

Li-Ning’s participation in Red Bull King of the Rock is another step toward strengthening the company’s U.S. presence in the basketball community. Building upon its great success since launching in the United States, Li-Ning will continue to work with athletes of all categories to showcase the brand’s Eastern values and philosophies of movement. Additional endorsements include 2012 Olympic medal competitors Asafa Powell of Jamaica, Yelena Isinbayeva of Russia and U.S. triple jumper Christian Taylor.

In addition to the company’s already-robust basketball collection, Li-Ning recently released a limited edition series of four Year of the Dragon basketball sneakers, with additional special edition styles that will be available throughout the year.

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