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New Merino introduces five wool blends (Australia)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-20 09:17:31  来源:New Merino 收藏
New Merino is a brand of Australian merino wool grown by professional wool producers using sustainable farming systems and holistic animal welfare standards. It is processed through a 'chain of custody' preserving provenance, authenticity, and quality attributes, verified by the independent supply chain manager.

New Merino has been introduced in five wool blends.

1 Vintage Organics: The classic combination of Merino and organic cotton combines the comfort and advantages of both superior, sustainable fibers.

2 M-Fleece - Poly/Merino Super Fleece: A hard wearing polyester jersey face with a super warm and ultra soft brushed back. Mix and match yarn colors for great tonal and heather effects.  An economical and functional yet luxurious blend.

3 Merino State Intimates: The silky touch of modal and Tencel combined with the warmth and comfort of Merino. Available in textured jacquard designs, these new soft blends bring a feminine new look to base layers.

4 ThermoºCool Merino:  Coupled with Merino's natural ability to adapt to the body's warming and cooling needs, new ThermoºCool with its hybrid fiber mix provides evaporative cooling and/or thermo-buffering functions as needed by the body.

5 BiComponent Merino: The natural composition of Merino removes moisture vapor before it condenses and forms droplets of water. In extreme exertion where water accumulation is unavoidable however, the addition of synthetic fibers assures that the excess moisture is wicked away.

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