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Pak govt reconstitutes Cotton Committee to boost output (Pakistan)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-23 14:16:14  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
With a view to provide a substantial boost to the country’s cotton productivity through research and development activities, the Pakistan Government has reconstituted the Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (PCCC).
The Government is aiming is to increase productivity from existing 700 kg per acre to 1,200 kg per acre over the next few years.
The Federal Textile Minister along with his deputy nominated by the All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) would chair the reconstituted committee.
To raise more funds for undertaking research projects and paying scientists engaged in research, at par with the prevailing salary standards, APTMA has agreed to increase cotton cess from existing Pk Rs. 20 per bale to Pk Rs. 50 per bale. 
The idea of reconstituting the committee, with higher representation of stakeholders from private sector was advanced by APTMA, around 18 months ago. 
The reconstituted committee would have 25 members, including 17 members who would represent the textile industry, ginners, farmers and Karachi Cotton Association.
The new committee is scheduled to decide its terms of references when it meets some time next week.
The idea behind seeking greater representation of private sector stakeholders was to ensure proper use of cotton cess funds meant for research to boost the per acre yield of cotton to meet the rising demand of domestic spinning industry.
For over the past 20 years, Pakistan’s cotton yield has remained steady, which has raised the domestic industry’s reliance on imports.
In comparison, the crop yield in India and China has increased considerably over the period, mainly due to institutionalised research and development on cotton seed undertaken by the two countries.
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