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Sachiko Inoue to present A/W 2013/14 trend at Interstoff (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-24 10:28:37  来源:Messe Frankfurt 收藏
International textile and trend expert Ms Sachiko Inoue from I.S. Planning Japan, will present the Autumn / Winter 2013 / 14 apparel fabric trends at Interstoff Asia Essential – Autumn running from 3 to 5 October 2012 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Interstoff Asia Essential is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd which also created the Directions Trend Committee featuring some of the world’s top fashion trend forecasters from major fashion capital cities, including Ms Inoue from IS Planning (Tokyo), NellyRodi Agency (Paris), Elementi Moda (Milan) and Doneger Creative Services (New York).  Chief Designer for this season’s trend forecast, Mr Kai Chow, Creative Director for Doneger Creative Services led the committee and has interpreted the coming season’s fashion point of view through a series of seamlessly connected themes using colour, texture and mood:

• Bedrock – A mix of earthy neutral tones and subdued maroon and mossy colours, with a focus on binding boucle, basket weaves, fibrous and woolly fabrics.

• Illusion – A range of romantic and dream-like pastel colours with a focus on shiny, floral jacquards, soft knits, soothing mohair and fluid silk with textured weeds.

• Masquerade – A rich and dramatic gem stone palette evoked from deep dark colours, with a focus on taffeta, lacquered jacquards, matelasse and burnished brocade, coated fur and plush velvet.

• Revolution – Bright and vivid palettes: bold chartreuse, fire engine red, cobalt blue and sizzling red orange, mixed with black and brown colours, with a focus on colour blocked and compact jerseys, multi-coloured tweeds, vibrant plaids and checks and multi-functional plush.

Commenting on the Autumn / Winter 2013 / 14 apparel fabric trends, Ms Sachiko Inoue from Tokyo’s IS Planning, who directs the on-site trend forum display said: “It is based on the overall concept of ‘mixing and balancing sensibility’ with two key words ‘key’ and ‘door’, entering the four trend sections named ‘Bedrock’, ‘Illusion’, ‘Masquerade’ and ‘Revolution’. We hope that visitors will enjoy our display as in each section they will experience different scenes from natural basics and whimsical fancies, to mysterious darkness and vibrant fusion.”

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