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Successful showing by STOLL at ITMA ASIA + CITME (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-27 09:13:12  来源:STOLL 收藏
Germany-based STOLL took advantage of the 3rd international trade show for textiles and textile machines in Shanghai to continue strengthening its position as an innovation leader and reliable technical partner in the knitting machines market.

Featuring 1,283 exhibitors on total space of 132,250 sq.m, ITMA 2012 was 30 percent larger than the last show in 2010. It was especially popular with exhibitors and visitors from China, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Switzerland.

“We are very happy with how the show went for us. We successfully presented ourselves to an international audience as a leading innovative manufacturer of flat knitting machines,” stated Heinz-Peter Stoll, the company’s president. He attributed this success to two main factors: “The prototype of our innovative new prototype CMS 530 HP-ADF machine, with a live demonstration of its novel yarn feeder technology, was an absolute highlight at our booth and attracted great attention from visitors. But that wasn’t all. Our new two-level booth with the motto ‘Knitting Performance by STOLL’ also met with a very positive response.”

The outside of the 755-sq.m STOLL booth sported a futuristic white design, while its inside reflected the company’s core themes at this year’s show: performance – precision – perspectives – passion – perfection. Inspired by circus artists who perform their feats with the greatest of ease while their intense preparation and training remain hidden from view, STOLL presented itself in its new booth as an enterprise that is rooted in tradition while constantly striving for perfection, artful patterns, and new innovative knitting technologies.

A “fashion corner” within the new booth physically brought together the aspects of technology and design: it gave trade visitors an opportunity to witness first-hand the wide diversity and high quality of the new STOLL products and admire the new 2013 STOLL Collection. Among other things, they could thoroughly acquaint themselves with the fascinating possibilities for creating imaginative intarsia patterns that are opened up by the company’s latest new product: the CMS 530 HP-ADF. A prototype of this high-performance, high-output intarsia flat knitting machine was showcased.

STOLL, established in Reutlingen, is a leading manufacturer of electronic flat knitting machines which are marketed and sold on a global basis.

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