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Menswear brand Bosideng makes European debut in London (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-30 09:44:19  来源:Bosideng 收藏
Bosideng International Holdings Limited, the largest down apparel company in the PRC, is pleased to announce that its flagship store in London was opened. The Group’s first flagship store in Europe opened its doors on July 26, launching its premium menswear brand. The Bosideng menswear range is manufactured in Europe, and created under the direction of recognised UK designers Nick Holland and Ash Gangotra, who also developed the “Pretty Green” range for Liam Gallagher of the English rock band Oasis.

The store is located at the core area of the West End of London, which is the home to some of the biggest names in high-end luxury and also the largest commercial district in Europe. The building also neighbors on Oxford Street, and is only 20 metres away from the Bond Street exit of the London Underground with a traffic flow of 24 million a year.

Total investment for project amounted to £35 million, with £21 million spent on acquiring the property and the remaining for redevelopment, fitting and marketing of the store. The property comprises seven storeys including a basement. Three storeys are used as the retail store and the rest will be the Group’s European headquarters.

Mr. Gao Dekang, Chairman and CEO of Bosideng, said, “The opening of London flagship store marks a milestone in Bosideng’s development, we are excited to be one of the first few Chinese clothing brands to launch in Europe. Having the right property in the right location was the key to our strategy, complementing our high-end menswear range.”

Bosideng International Holdings Limited (the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries collectively referred to as the “Group”) is the largest down apparel company in the PRC. Its top four down apparel brands, namely Bosideng, Snow Flying, Kangbo and Bengen accounted for 34.5% of the PRC down apparel market.

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