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China become a veritable warp knitting country (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-31 09:23:36  来源:ccfgroup 收藏

After ten years of development, China has become a veritable warp knitting country, as its number of warp knitting machine, export scale and product application take the front places in the world, world's pattern of warp knitting industry has shifted to China.

Warp knitting technology and market leader - German Karl Mayer Group is the super aircraft carrier of warp knitting equipment in world's production. This 75-year-old family business produced 100 000 warp knitting machines off assembly line in 2010, marking the unshakeble Kingdom position of Karl Mayer’s warp knitting machine in the world.

After the markets of the United States, Brazil, Britain and Japan, Carl Meyer started to shift its market focus to Asia, especially China in 1990s. In 2011 Karl Mayer (China) Co., Ltd. substantially increased its occupancy rate in Asia, especially the Chinese market, its corporate sales grew to 1.5 billion yuan, an increase of 50 percent over the same period of the previous year.The Chinese company produced a total of 2,000 sets of warp knitting machines, plus about 2,000 sets of warp knitting machines produced by Karl Mayer of Germany headquarters, 85 percent of the 4,000 warp knitting machines were sold to Chinese enterprises.China has become the Karl Mayer's biggest market.

Some experts admitt that China's textile enterprises will still face a difficult situation in the second half,textile and apparel exports will maintain a low growth, the industry as a whole will experience a sharp fall in benefits compared with last year, loss scale and losses are expected to expand, more small, medium-sized and micro-enterprises will face the risk of being eliminated, as the majority of the knitting industry are SMEs, which lack ability to resist risks.

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