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Textile machinery orders fall 22% in Q2 (Italy)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-08-03 09:38:10  来源:Tweet 收藏

Orders for Italian textile machinery fell 22% between April and June, according to the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMT).

These orders remain in decline, the ACIMT said, because the domestic market remains in a critical situation.

In Italy,the order index value, which compares orders to 2005 levels, was down to 67.9 points during the second quarter, declining 23% compared to the first quarter of 2012.

However, the order index for foreign markets rose 6% to 110.4 points, compared to the previous quarter.

ACIMIT president Sandro Salmoiraghi said: "Sales have largely held their own on the foreign markets. However, the domestic situation is a cause for concern, with a pervasive economic uncertainty that prevents any investment decisions."

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