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Clariant brings latest leather innovations to China (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-08-07 09:26:19  来源:Clariant 收藏
With the theme of “More than meets the eye”, Clariant will present its extensive portfolio of innovations designed to support and inspire productivity, functionality and environmental-compatibility for China’s leather manufacturers at the All China Leather Exhibition (ACLE 2012), Shanghai (Booth D11, Hall E2, September 4 – 6, 2012).

Under the umbrella of its new branding, the specialty chemicals expert will reinforce its commitment to place the core values of “Performance. People. Planet.” at the heart of its customer focus. Clariant will unveil new products and latest developments and support tools in line with its efforts to offer sustainable performance and economy to its industry partners.

Highlights for ALL 2012 visitors will include:

Productivity and environmental-compatibility

• Several new developments from Clariant’s finishing range will make their debuts at the fair.
• Particular emphasis is given to the new Neosan Lucido transparent pigment range.
• The highly transparent Neosan Lucido pigment range is a new dimension in brilliant colors in pure aqueous finishing. Based on a nanotechnology type of pigment dispersion the new range creates lots of opportunities in both anionic and cationic finishing systems. Neosan Lucido provide both very elegant aniline-like appearance for classical articles as well as highly fashionable and brilliant shades without performance limitations (e.g. migrations).
• New high gloss aqueous patent topcoat Aqualen Top APT is recognized as a breakthrough in water-based finishing systems replacing solvent-based topcoats. Alongside this, Clariant will launch a new range of low VOC topcoat products for fine leathers e.g. shoes &bags. These innovate aqueous topcoats can be used as alternatives to the currently available solvent based tops. The new range of pure aqueous Aqualen products offers low levels of VOC and top coats with better performance than with traditional technologies can be achieved.
• Clariant’s industry standard-setting innovation Easy White Tan provides an environmentally compatible, safe and simplified tanning process that will have major benefits for tanners supplying almost every sector, from automotive leather to footwear. This technology has been developed using Clariant’s Granofin Easy F-90 Liquid, an organic compound that is not based on chrome, phenols or aldehydes. It removes the need to add salt during the tanning process as well as reducing the number of stages in the tanning process itself.

Efficiency and high-performance functionality

• Clariant will unveil a compact range of syntans offering high economy as well as meeting the latest formaldehyde-free specifications: Tanicor RS-38 Powder, Tanicor RS-40 Powder and Tergotan RE-5020 Powder
• New waterproofing agent Dermaphob WA-71 is a highlight from Clariant’s wet end range, specially developed for high-performance water repellent shoe uppers.
• The new Melio Softfix ANV will also be revealed offering the tanner a working solution to the age old problem of improving fastness on nubuck /suede leathers whilst maintaining their natural beauty and aesthetics. Clariant’s cutting edge solution to anti-soiling properties for sofa leathers will also be a key highlight.
• Inspiring trends and invigorating fashions

To inspire and invigorate, Clariant will also be presenting its latest fashion trend collection for season Autumn / Winter 2013-2014 and the next installment of its Moment of Trends concept bringing more of the latest hot fashions from Italy and beyond.

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