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Esprit names Mr. Martínez as new group CEO & ED (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-08-09 09:41:13  来源:Esprit Holdings Limited 收藏
Esprit Holdings Limited announced the appointment of Jose Manuel Martínez Gutiérrez ("Mr. Martínez") as its new Group Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, effective on or before the end of September 2012.

"We are delighted that Mr. Martínez, a professional with a wealth of experience in global retailing, has joined Esprit as our new Group Chief Executive Officer, and the successor to Mr. Ronald Van Der Vis," said Raymond Or, Non-Executive Chairman of Esprit.

"Mr. Martínez has a track record of outstanding leadership that will be critical to executing Esprit's transformation plan. He is passionate about continuing the work to revitalize Esprit's brand, and brings with him a unique perspective built from within the fashion retailing business, and during his many years as a consultant to our industry."

Mr. Martínez has previously held various senior positions at Inditex, having most recently held the position of Group Director of Distribution and Operations where he executed a commercial distribution model and strategy that was a key factor in delivering consistent positive growth for the retailer over several consecutive seasons.

Prior to this role, he was the Country Manager for the Zara brand across Scandinavia, where he had top and bottom line accountability. Before joining Inditex, Mr. Martínez spent eight years at McKinsey & Company where he led the firm's retail and consumer goods practice in Spain.

Paul Cheng, Non-Executive Deputy Chairman of Esprit, added, "Mr. Martínez's impressive performance, coupled with his international perspective, will bring enormous value to Esprit as we continue on our journey to drive growth over the coming years. I am confident that his energy, integrity and innovative thinking will help us to take the Esprit brand and business to a leading position with our global target customers." 

Mr. Martínez commented, "I am honoured and thrilled to join Esprit as the new Group Chief Executive Officer, at this important chapter in the Company's history. I share the Board's vision for the Company and the brand, and am fully committed to delivering on the strategic, operational and financial objectives that will revitalise Esprit and its brand, and create value for its shareholders."

Esprit is one of the most well-known apparel brands in the world, offering smart, youthful, affordable luxury fashion.

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文章关键词: Esprit  Mr Martínez  group CEO 


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