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'Eco-Textile Wishing Tree' by PolyU & Chinachem (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-08-14 10:26:25  来源:The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) 收藏
Troels H. Povlsen Care Apparel Centre under the aegis of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)'s Institute of Textiles and Clothing has recently joined hands with Chinachem Group to showcase Green Tees designed by children, with an aim of raising public concern on environmental protection.

Kindergarten and junior primary school students have been invited to draw "Green Hong Kong" as T-Shirt designs since May 2012 by Chinachem. With almost 5,000 pieces received, 40 finalists were selected and presented their T-shirt designs on stage in mid July. In August, Chinachem worked in collaboration with ITC to hold "The Green Tee Showcase", showing the 40 Green Tees and an “Eco-Textile Wishing Tree" in a creative way.

The "Eco-Textile Wishing Tree" is one of the focuses of The Green Tee Showcase. In the past few weeks, PolyU students collected unused fabric pieces left by classmates or stock in PolyU's workshops to make the Wishing Tree. The Tree is surrounded by a redesigned Flying Chess game with green information, aimed at raising eco-awareness of the public.

The Green Tee Showcase's design inspiration came from a team of PolyU student-volunteers, under the supervision of Dr Frency Ng, Director of Troels H. Povlsen Care Apparel Centre, and Dr Patrick Hui, Assistant Professor of ITC. Aki Hui, leader of the working team said the exhibition provided a good opportunity for her and her teammates to apply their knowledge to the community.

Dr Frency Ng expressed her sincere thanks to Chinachem for giving ITC students the opportunities to deliver environmental protection message. She said, "The Green Tee Showcase involved students from kindergartens, primary schools and PolyU. Our students have gained inspiration on green concepts through the Green Tees designed by the children. This project has promoted team spirit of our students and enhanced their social responsibility."

The Green Tee Showcase will display students' creativity to the public at the shopping mall of Nina Tower in Tsuen Wan, from 5 August to 21 August 2012.

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文章关键词: Eco-Textile  Wishing Tree  PolyU  Chinachem 


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