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Taiwan textiles & apparels to be on display at MAGIC (Taiwan)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-08-20 08:58:42  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
A Taiwanese delegation, comprising of textile and clothing professionals, will participate in the fashion trade show ‘MAGIC’ to be held in the US.
The Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF) said the members of the delegation will showcase their products in the upcoming biggest international fashion event, to be held from August 20-23 in Las Vegas.
Apart from the TTF-led delegates, there will be around twenty-five Taiwanese companies who will also attend the gala occasion.
During the three-day long exhibition, the Taiwanese exhibitors will showcase a range of locally-produced products, such as fabrics, textiles, modern apparels, sports and leisure wear, clothing accessories and a special collection of socks. 
The Taiwan pavilion, under the title ‘Think Taiwan for Textiles,’ will also host a series of interactive sessions on August 21 and 22. The show would be Taiwan's biggest textile exhibition since the 2008 global economic meltdown, which adversely affected the country's clothing industry.
The international fashion event ‘MAGIC’ gives the entire global community of apparel and accessories, an opportunity to share information, preview trends and build business relations. It unites the largest and most influential network of buyers, brands, media and decision makers. 
According to the Taiwanese Government statistics, the country’s export volume to the US was worth US$ 36.36 billion last year, while imports amounted to US$ 25.75 billion.
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