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Textile and garment exports likely to see a slight rebound in third quarter on Christmas orders (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-08-21 08:57:26  来源:chh 收藏
China's textile and apparel exports reached US $ 23.889 billion in July 2012, down 8.1 percent year on year, according to the latest data released by the China General Administration of Customs.

Industry insiders believe that continued weakness in international consumer market and uncertainties in external economies will make China's foreign trade situation difficult to see significant improvement in the near term. But with the advent of clothing shopping season in Europe and America,China’s textile and garment exports are likely to see a slight rebound in the third quarter.

China's textile and apparel exports reached US $23.889 billion in July, down 8.1 percent year on year, of which, exports of textile yarn, fabrics and products achieved US $8.002 billion, down 8.05 percent year on year; exports of clothing and accessories scored US $15.887 billion, down 8.13 percent year on year.

Relevant research report points out that the debt crisis in Europe continues to upgrade since 2012, market expectation still exists that Greece would exits euro area, Spain also sinks into huge banking crisis, becoming another trouble of the euro zone. European recession in macroeconomic environment has produced negative impact on China's textile and clothing trade. There are two main reasons for this grim situation.First, demand in EU textile and apparel market is in the doldrums, second, part of the market has been transferred to competing countories.

But some experts believe that China's exports of textiles and garment will usher in a rebound opportunity in August to September.Christmas will be shopping season of clothing in Europe and America every year, thus,the active phase of export orders for apparel industry will in the third quarter. But garment exports will face more challenges in the long term.
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