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Expansion of Design Zone at Fashion Access show (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-08-21 09:08:07  来源:Fashion Access 收藏
Fashion Access, the leading international fashion fair for bags, footwear, small leathergoods, fashion accessories, travelware and lifestyle products, marks a series of “firsts”  when it runs from 27 to 29 September at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). 

Most important is the debut in Hong Kong of Cashmere World, a specialised trade fair  featuring the world's most important cashmere producers and global brands.

An exciting breakthrough at Fashion Access is the strong participation of Italian footwear and leathergoods companies in the show. “Shoes from Italy” brings over 40 Italian footwear companies to Fashion Access, under the auspices of ANCI, the Italian Footwear Manufacturers Association. They will be joined by more than 10 Italian brands of bags and leathergoods under the umbrella of AIMPES, the Italian Leathergoods Manufacturers Association.
This impressive show of Italian quality and design is sure to draw important high-end, luxury buyers of department stores and boutiques from all over China and the rest of Asia.
More designers have signed up for a stand at the Design Zone, a special section at the fair that promotes the work of upcoming as well as established designers from Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. 
Some notable designers joining Design Zone are Ika Butoni and ALi Charisma of Indonesia who are set to present their new collections featuring Oriental motifs, natural materials and fine handiwork.
From Finland, there is the Arelalizza brand, created by a group of young Finnish designers whose collections combine Scandinavian aesthetics with luxurious natural materials like cashmere and silk.
Through Design Zone, designers are given the opportunity to present their fashion collections to international buyers or to meet manufacturers looking for designers to develop new product collections for them. 
Another new development for the September 2012 show is the change in fair hours. The first day of the fair will start at 12 noon, ending at 7 pm. Day 2 will open as usual at 9 am but will run for 10 full hours, closing at 7 pm. The last day will see a return to the standard hours from 9 am to 6 pm. 
The fair organisers, in cooperation with Mary Yan Yan Chan are sponsoring a special charity fashion sale to be held alongside Fashion Access on September 28 and 29. Dubbed “Fashion With Compassion”, this takes the form of a “Pop-Up Store” open to the public.

Hong Kong and international fashion brands and celebrities, have been invited to donate new or past season fashion merchandise and pre-owned or vintage items to be sold for a cause. All sales proceeds will go to Crossroads Foundation, A Hong Kong-based non-profit, charity organisation. 

A number of interesting merchandising trends and fashion business-related seminars are on tap. The upcoming Peclers Paris’ Fall-Winter 2013-14 Accessories Trends for Women, Men, Youth and Kids will be presented by Mary Yan Yan Chan for StyleCENTRAL Ltd.
Fashion consultant Jayne Esteve-Cure of Jayne Fashion Agency Paris will talk on merchandising trends, focusing on “How To Train Fashion Shop Assistants To Boost Sales”. 
There will also be a seminar on “Buying Accessories for the European Market” to be conducted by Sandrine Williamson, head accessories buyer of Galeries Lafayette Group, France.
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文章关键词: Design Zone  Fashion Access 


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