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Swedish fashion brand Björn Borg opens first Chinese store (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-08-24 09:02:58  来源:Björn Borg Ab 收藏
On Shanghai’s West Nanjing Rd, the luxury-shopping street that houses flagship stores of numerous global brands, Swedish fashion brand Björn Borg is now launching a shop-in-shop in fashionable Sogo Department store. At the same time, the company introduces their range throughout the whole of China through collaboration with e-tailer Taobao – a Chinese equivalent to eBay or Amazon.

“This is a first step in our Chinese initiative. We are in it for the long term and this will be followed by a number of stores both in Shanghai and the rest of China. We are very proud to say JA! to Shanghai and China through the opening of these two channels and hope to see a healthy growth. Our core business branded underwear is for instance a trend that not quite has got a foothold in China yet”, comments Arthur Engel, CEO of Björn Borg.

The Björn Borg offer in China will encompass a full wardrobe – from underwear and sports wear to footwear and accessories.

Björn Borg’s investing partner in China, Penny York, has held senior positions since 2004 for an international underwear brand with over 500 points of sale before deciding to join the Bjorn Borg China initiative.

“We are looking forward to establishing Björn Borg in China and believe that the brand’s signature style with a mix of color, quality and fashion with a sporty twist is a combination that fits the Chinese market very well. With Björn Borg’s portfolio and a well-planned long-term enterprise we see a strong potential for the brand in the country,” says Penny York.

The Group owns the Björn Borg trademark and its operations are focused on underwear. To that is offered adjacent products, footwear and through licensees also bags, eyewear and fragrances. Björn Borg products are sold in around twenty markets, of which Sweden and Holland are the largest.

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