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Three fairs in China to show buoyancy of leather sector

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-08-28 11:24:42  来源:fibre2fashion 收藏
All China Leather Exhibition (ACLE), China International Footwear Fair (CIFF) and Moda Shanghai will take place from September 4 - 6, 2012 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre, Pudong, China. 

There will be a total of 1,301 companies exhibiting at the three fairs (ACLE, China International Footwear Fair (CIFF) and Moda Shanghai). This represents a substantial 10% increase over the previous year and illustrates well the continued buoyancy of the industry. From the overall total 182 companies will be exhibiting at the related exhibitions of the CIFF and Moda Shanghai. (These two events run alongside and in conjunction with ACLE.  Registration at ACLE permits unrestricted access to CIFF and Moda Shanghai.)

This cheery mood extends to a more detailed break-down of participating companies.
In 2012 exhibiting companies will be drawn from 41 countries and regions while CIFF and Moda Shanghai will be comprised of companies from China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Thailand and Turkey.
Most encouraging is the advance in the number of group pavilions which, this year, are from 21 countries and regions. (See separate Fact Sheet). There are two new pavilions at Moda Shanghai: one each from India (with 20 exhibitors showing mostly leather garments) and Thailand (with 6 Leathergoods producers).
Italy is an important player, in terms of design and innovation.  Italian products and processes remain the benchmarks - albeit informally - to many in the world-wide leather sector.  Some 50 Italian exhibitors will cover all aspects of the industry: machinery, chemicals and, of course, a diverse range of semi- and finished leathers.
Also well represented will be exhibitors coming from Latin American lead by Brazilian tanners.  However, it is the Turkish leather industry who have really picked up the ball for ACLE (September 2012).  With the aid of the Aegean Exporters Association Turkey is the 'Focus Country' for 2012, with around 60 plus exhibitors, of which some 19 companies are exhibiting at ACLE for the first time.
ACLE quickly proved itself to be an ideal platform for the large chemical companies to enter the China leather market.  This remains the case and most of the key players are represented.
There will a long list of new and 'improved' chemical products to see at ACLE. For example:
Stahl will have a selection of its collection of fashion leathers, specially selected for the Asian market.  The company's stand will have a section devoted to new and improved technologies for both wet-end and leather finish applications.
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