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Ji Cheng, Chinese designer returns to London catwalk (United Kingdom)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-03 10:07:30  来源:Ji Cheng 收藏

Ji Cheng is one of Asia’s most renowned and longstanding beacons of design. Often compared to her western contemporaries, Stella McCartney and Miuccia Prada, Ji Cheng is a powerful influence in her home country of China.

After training at the Istituto Marangoni in Milan, Ji Cheng worked for and with a multitude of companies across fashion, media and beauty including Krizia, Missoni Sport, Nokia Complete Fashion, CNBC, Johnnie Walker, Unilever LUX and Shiseido.

As China’s most defining face of fashion, Ji Cheng has been featured in documentaries with the New York Times and the Discovery Channel, and was honoured with the Shanghai Creative Leaders Award and Hurun Fashion Pioneer Award.
A top billed designer at Shanghai Fashion Week, Singapore Fashion Week and China Fashion Week, Ji Cheng is a regular in press across China including: Vogue China, ELLE China, Harper’s Bazaar China, and she is one of the most exciting international designers to come to the London catwalk.
Ji Cheng will be showing her spring/summer 2013 collection, Teasim, at Vauxhall Fashion Scout on Saturday the 15th of September at 1:00pm.
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文章关键词: Ji Cheng  Chinese designer  London catwalk 


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