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Slightly easier New Zealand dollar improves wool prices (New Zealand)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-03 10:12:29  来源:New Zealand Wool Services International Limited 收藏

New Zealand Wool Services International Limited reported that the slightly easier New Zealand Dollar and increased international demand combined to improve most wool prices this week. 

Of the 13,100 bales on offer 79 percent sold. The weighted indicator for the main trading currencies dipped 1.2 percent, helping local price levels. Recent lower market levels and slowly reducing stock levels in the manufacturing pipeline have helped stimulate recent buying with China beginning to lift their activity. 

Fine Mid Micron Fleece under 28 microns were firm to 3 percent easier with the coarser end 2 to 4 percent dearer. Fine Crossbred Fleece gained 2 to 3.5 percent reflecting Chinese interests. 
Good Style Coarse Crossbred Fleece remained firm with average styles firm to 3 percent dearer. Coarse Shears were generally firm to 1.5 percent stronger except the 2 to 3 inch wools which lifted 3 percent. 
A nominal offering of First Lambs were firm to 1.5 percent dearer. Oddments came under strong competition lifting 6 percent for all categories. Well spread competition with China, India and United Kingdom principals, supported by Western Europe, Australasia and the Middle East.
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