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Shanghai Mode Lingerie must attend event (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-05 09:18:26  来源:Shanghai Mode Lingerie 收藏
Shanghai Mode Lingerie 2012 will take place a Shanghai Exhibitor Center from October 22-23. Never has the Chinese retail landscape seen such a Shift as it is currently undergoing! With double-digit growth in lingerie consumption expected this year, Innerwear and Swimwear shopping, traditionally done in outlets such as multi-product Stores and Department Stores, is evolving into new concepts at a rapid pace…

- New shopping centers are in development, with developers and investors looking for vanguard shop concepts

- Luxury specialty boutiques and concept shops are giving avant-garde consumers new places to look for the latest “must have” items

- A strong development in the direction of increased franchising is clearly underway in China

Shanghai Mode Lingerie has all these new movements in retail covered, with the top influencers in lingerie retail all expected on show in October…distributors, department store buyers, developers and investors for shopping malls, and, of course, agents seeking new brands and new franchise partnerships for China and Asia.

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