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Chinese apparel designer VLOV opens two stores in Shanghai (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-05 09:22:08  来源:VLOV Inc 收藏
VLOV Inc. which designs, sources, markets and distributes VLOV-brand fashion forward men's apparel in the People's Republic of China, announced the opening of its distributor's two stores in Shanghai City.

One store is located in the Yong'an department store on Nanjing road while the other location is at the Shanghai Orient Shopping Center on the west end of Nanjing road. Both malls offer higher end apparel and the Shanghai Orient Shopping Center has been consistently selected as a top ten mall in Shanghai City.

"We are very excited about the entrance into Shanghai," commented Mr. Qing Qing Wu, CEO and Chairman of VLOV. "The stores in Shanghai City will give Shanghai consumers exposure to our brand and introduces the VLOV brand into one of the most prominent high-end fashion markets in China."

"The new store openings are a continued result of VLOV's brand investment including its second consecutive appearance at the Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week and appearances at the Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week," further commented Mr. Wu.

VLOV will be appearing at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2013 on Saturday September 8, 2012 in the Stage venue at Lincoln Center at 6:00PM.

VLOV, Inc., a leading lifestyle apparel designer based in China, designs, sources, markets and distributes VLOV brand fashion-forward apparel for men ages 20 to 45 throughout China.

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文章关键词: apparel designer  VLOV  open store 


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