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VLOV presents S/S 13 collection at MBFW in New York (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-12 09:15:13  来源:VLOV Inc. 收藏
VLOV Inc., which designs, sources, markets and distributes VLOV-brand fashion forward men's apparel in the People's Republic of China, showed some of the top male models in fashion including Sean O'Pry, Clement Chabernaud, Simone Nobili, Simon van Meervenne, River Viiperi, James Smith, and Sebastien Sauve at Mercedes-Benz  Week New York (MBFW).

"We want to again thank the organizers of the Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week for selecting us to show for the second consecutive year," commented Mr. Qing Qing Wu, Chairman and CEO of VLOV.

"We would also like to thank all of the agencies and staff that worked alongside us this week, without their efforts our event would not have been such a success."

VLOV, Inc., a leading lifestyle apparel designer based in China, designs, sources, markets and distributes VLOV brand fashion-forward apparel for men ages 20 to 45 throughout China.  As of June 30, 2012, VLOV products were sold by its distributors at 414 points of sale across northern, central and southern China, as well as at 18 stores in Fujian Province owned and operated by VLOV.

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