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Vera Wang unveils her India-inspired clothing line (United States Of America)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-14 09:18:55  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
The world-renowned American fashion designer, Vera Ellen Wang, showcased her India-inspired Spring 2013 collection at the prestigious ongoing sartorial event New York Fashion Week. 
Inspired by the first Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s dressing style, Vera blended the discipline of Indian men’s clothing with the mystery and sensuality of Indian women in her incredibly feminine and sensuous apparel line.
The eclectic mix of exquisite apparels displayed the famous Nehru collar, gold embroidery and brocade in hues like white, vibrant turquoise, emerald green and bright purple.
The opulently textured and detailed collection featured gold hammered bullion skirts, lace dresses, heavily embroidered sleeveless tops, silk cocktail dresses and fitted canvas and choli jackets.
The sleek range also offered soutache embroidered sleeveless V-neck shift dresses, chartreuse brocade peplum tops with gold-jewelled epaulettes and chantilly hand-pieced lace sheaths.
The 63-year-old New York-based designer is a favourite among the high-profile American celebrities like former first daughter Chelsea Clinton, Mariah Carey, Jennifer Lopez, Victoria Beckham and Kate Hudson.
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文章关键词: Vera Wang  India-inspired  clothing line 


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