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Global cotton usage to recover marginally in 2012/13 (Global)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-17 08:57:01  来源:U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 收藏
The latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates for 2012/13 project world cotton consumption at approximately 107.6 million bales.  After the September reductions, 2012/13 cotton consumption is now projected to grow about 3 percent following a decline of 9 percent in 2011/12. 

Despite the rebound, the 2012/13 forecast remains the second lowest in nearly a decade as the weak global economy and competition from manmade fibers keep cotton use well below the levels experienced in the mid-2000s.          

The top four cotton-spinning countries—China, India, Pakistan, and Turkey—are forecast to account for 71 percent of global cotton consumption in 2012/13, slightly below both last season and the average for the 2008-10 seasons; however, there have been shifts among the major spinners.

For China, the leading cotton spinner, global share is forecast to decrease to 35 percent in 2012/13 as consumption shifts to lower cost spinners.  India and Pakistan are benefiting as their shares are expected to reach 20 and 10.5 percent, respectively, with Turkey’s share remaining near 5 percent.

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文章关键词: cotton usage  recover marginally  2012/13  USDA 


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