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UNIQLO Suspends 19 Stores in China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-18 13:56:05  来源: 收藏

Uniqlo, the Japanese fast retailing said it will close more of its clothing stores in China on Tuesday amid the escalating anti-Japan sentiment after Japan bought the disputed Diaoyu Islands.

The Japanese company said it will close 19 Uniqlo outlets in China on Tuesday while one store will be operating at shortened hours on Tuesday, compared with nine on Monday.

Uniqlo made the announcement a day before the 9.18 Memorial Day which marks the 81th anniversary of Japan’s invasion to China’s northeast.

The Beijing municipality advises Japanese businesses to be closed on Tuesday as it expects anti-Japan protest to escalate.

Nissan Motor Co suspended its production in China for 2 days starting Sept 17 while Japan's top general retailer, Seven & I Holdings, is planning to close over 200 stores in China over territorial dispute.

Japanese electronics maker Panasonic has suspended operations at its factory in Qingdao until 18 September, while Canon stopped production at three of its factories, in the wake of anti-Japan protests across several Chinese cities, which turned violent at the weekend, according to BBC.

China’s anti-Japan sentiment was turning into a nationwide riot and boycott against Japanese companies and businesses in the country, as hundreds of thousands in major Chinese cities took to street last week smashing Japan-made cars and trashing Japanese supermarkets and stores.

Polices across the country are calling for“rational expression”of patriotism and government authorities reining in on fears that those protests are losing control.

"The current demonstrations- massive voluntary, without authoritative organizers-would easily attract people who are 'angry' with society," the official Global Times said in a commentary.

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文章关键词: Uniqlo  close outlet  fast retailing 


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