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Taiwan seek a ban on expansion of the naphtha cracker

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-19 09:41:59  来源: 收藏

Various environment protection and health groups in Taiwan have sought a ban on expansion of the naphtha cracker operated by the Formosa Plastics Group in Yunlin County’s Mailiao Township.

Representatives of the Changhua Medical Alliance for Public Affairs and Taiwan Water Resources Protection Union said the naphtha cracker has emitted large quantities of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

They urged the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to not to re-evaluate the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the expansion project of Formosa’s naphtha cracker.

According to the data of the Yunlin County Government, the plant’s VOC emission level was estimated at 4,341 tons per year, which is more than the permitted limit of 4,302 tons per year.

In view of the same, the alliance urged the EIA to reject the proposed naphtha cracker expansion plan.

Meanwhile, an epidemiological survey conducted by Professor Chan Chang-chuan of National Taiwan University’s Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene has revealed that air pollutants emitted by the naphtha cracker is likely to cause adverse effects on blood, lungs, kidney, liver and immune system of people living in the vicinity of the plant.

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