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Global Textile Alliance Plans $7.4 Million Plant Expansion

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-27 10:04:38  来源:Home Textiles 收藏

Bedding and upholstery fabric manufacturer Global Textile Alliance will invest $7.4 million in a plant expansion that will extend over three years, according to Gov. Bev Perdue's office.

Global received a $150,000 grant for the expansion from the One North Carolina Fund, which provides financial assistance to attract business projects that will stimulate economic activity and create new jobs.

More than 130 people now work at the Reidsville plant, which houses the company's corporate headquarters, distribution, design, sales and marketing, finance and quality control divisions.

"Global Textile Alliance Inc. is extremely pleased to have the continued support of North Carolina to help us broaden the foundation of our company," Steven Graven, coo of Global Textile Alliance, said in a statement. "The expansions we have planned will allow the company to grow in the overall scope of the products we manufacture in the United States."

Companies receive no money up front from the One NC Fund and must meet job creation and investment performance standards to qualify for grant funds. These grants also require and are contingent upon local matches.

Other organizations involved with the Global expansion include the N.C. Department of Commerce, N.C. Community Colleges, Rockingham County, the City of Reidsville and the Rockingham County Partnership for Economic and Tourism Development.

"North Carolina has a long and celebrated history in the textile industry," said Gov. Perdue. "Manufacturers are expanding here because of our state's investments in education and job training programs. Companies know that hiring a skilled workforce is a key part of thriving in a global economy."

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