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Dow Announced New Polyol, Replacing PTMEG in Some Applications

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-28 09:21:15  来源:pu366 收藏

Dow Polyurethanes, a business unit of The Dow Chemical Company, is pleased to announce the launch of VORANOL™223-060LM Polyether Polyol. A cost-effective, high-performance polyol, VORANOL 223-060LM Polyether Polyol has proved to be a viable replacement in select traditional polytetramethylene ether glycol (PTMEG) applications, with the additional advantage of easier processing due to its low viscosity. This new product meets a significant industry need for competitive solutions for polyurethane formulations development.

VORANOL 223-060LM Polyether Polyol is a high-performance polyurethane product that forms the backbone for a wide variety of adhesive, sealant and elastomer formulations. Market applications include transportation, construction, packaging, electronics and more. VORANOL 223-060LM Polyether Polyol offers the following advantages:

• Demonstrates high performance and excellent mechanical properties

• Cost-effective

• Retains performance in high heat environments

• High reactivity and maintains consistent performance

• Enables broader processing latitude due to its low viscosity

• Wide variety of applications

"Dow is constantly working to develop innovative solutions for our customers to help meet their specific formulation and processing needs," said Bill Reeves, North American business director, Dow Polyurethanes. "Our new VORANOL offering is just one example of a Dow product that does just that. Our customers wanted an alternative to more expensive PTMEG. So we delivered a cost-effective and high-performing solution with VORANOL. This is truly a customer-driven solution."

VORANOL 223-060LM Polyether Polyol can be used in a wide variety of applications. Dow Polyurethanes offers extensive expertise to work with customers to develop the right formulation that meets their needs

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文章关键词: Dow  New Polyol  PTMEG 


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