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Mozambique cotton output to double by 2020

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-15 08:49:47  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏

Mozambique’s cotton production is likely to double during the next eight years.

Speaking at a session to unveil new cotton strategy, Mozambique Cotton Institute Director Norberto Mahalambe said the country’s raw cotton output is seen reaching record high of 200,000 tons per annum over the next eight years from the current 100,000 tons per annum.

Mr. Mahalambe said the strategy leans on three pillars, namely, constantly updating the cotton growers on new technology in the sector and imparting training, considerably increasing the cotton cultivation acreage and a rise in per hectare yield, quoted macauhub, citing daily newspaper Noticias.

Favourable conditions, mainly positive climate, extend good scope for Mozambique to increase its raw cotton output, Mr. Mahalambe said, and added that there is an urgent need to double the country’s per hectare yield from existing 500 kg.

He further said that almost 300,000 families in the country carry out cotton farming based on only inherited knowledge, and hence it is necessary to train these farmers to update them about the new developments, mainly on the side of technology.

It is also important because farmers were severely impacted by a fall in cotton prices from 15 meticals per kg to 10 meticals per kg during the last season, he added.

Source: Fibre2fashion

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