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10 firms recognized for their dedication to organic cotton

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-16 08:59:53  来源:Textile Exchange 收藏

Textile Exchange, a non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating sustainable practices in the textile industry, presented ten companies with a“Future Shaper”award in recognition for their dedication to organic cotton and the overall sustainability of the textile industry. The ten brands and retailers received the first-ever Future Shaper Awards during Textile Exchange’s 10th anniversary celebration at the 2012 Sustainable Textiles Conference in Hong Kong on 4 October, 2012.

The awards symbolize the collective efforts of everyone who helped establish and grow Textile Exchange’s heritage and roots in organic textiles. The companies who received a Future Shaper award are: Anvil Knitwear (USA), C&A (Germany/Belgium), Dibella (Netherlands), Ethicus (India), Gossypium (UK), H&M (Sweden), Hess natur (Germany), Nike (US), Patagonia (US) and Veja (France).

The winning companies produce products ranging from sportswear to hotel bed sheets and towels to cutting-edge fashion. Each company has increased their use of organic cotton over the years and have aggressive goals for its future use. The award winners share in the collective results of their work. Increasing the demand for organic cotton results in reduced water use, the elimination of artificial pesticides and fertilizers and improved health and livelihoods for farmers.

"The Future Shaper Awards symbolize the hard work and dedication of just 10 companies among hundreds who are making positive changes in the textile industry. These brands and retailers are helping to drive the demand for organic cotton. As a result, every step of the supply chain has benefited,”said LaRhea Pepper, Managing Director for Textile Exchange.

The 10 Future Shapers are detailed in a unique book published to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Textile Exchange. Packed with photographs and the stories of the companies, it provides a lasting record of their achievements. The Future Shapers book is available for $19.50 US (plus postage). The actual award presented was an engraved glass jar containing two different types of organic cotton from Peru and Turkey.

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文章关键词: organic cotton  Future Shaper 


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