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China Expected To Triple Its Imports Of Cellulose Pulp From Brazil

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-17 08:37:49  来源:Macauhub 收藏

China is expected to increase its imports of white eucalyptus pulp from Brazil three-fold by 2025, according to a projection from Pöyry Tecnologia cited by Brazilian financial newspaper Valor Económico. China is already the largest individual buyer of the Brazilian pulp.

In 2011 China bought 3.9 million tons of eucalyptus pulp from Latin America, a region in which Brazil is the largest producer, and plans to increase its purchases until it reaches 12 million tons per year in 2025.

The document from Pöyry Tecnologia said that Asia would account for over 90 percent of the growth in world paper production by 2025 and would have the same weight in global consumption of fibre (recycled cellulose and paper).

"We do not believe that China will become self-sufficient in cellulose in the future,”said the vice president of the Finnish multinational, Carlos Alberto Farinha e Silva, before the opening of the 45th Congress and International Exposition of the Brazilian Technical Cellulose and Paper Association (ABTCP).

Pöyry’s survey showed that, by 2025, Asia would produce an additional 86 million tons of packaging, graphics paper, and toilet paper and would increase its annual consumption of recycled fibre and virgin cellulose by 88 million tons a year.

Pöyry is a consulting and engineering services company for several industrial segments, including the environmental sector.

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