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SATRA opens footwear testing laboratory in China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-18 08:58:16  来源:SATRA 收藏

SATRA has set up a comprehensive testing facility in the Guangdong Province of China, an important manufacturing base for multinational brands in China as well as domestically owned companies.

The purpose-built footwear testing laboratory is based in Dongguan alongside SATRA’s new suite of offices and training site. Fitted with a range of test equipment, built to specification by SATRA in the UK, the new laboratory is fully enabled to test all types of safety footwear as well as more general footwear.

Two temperature controlled testing areas have been installed–one for general preparation and testing and the other environmentally conditioned for more precise testing requirements (full temperature and humidity control to 23°C / 50%RH).

SATRA chief executive Austin Simmons commented:“SATRA sees the establishment of its own independent laboratory as a major benefit to members and customers based in the China region. The facility is a wholly owned subsidiary of SATRA and is staffed by experienced technologists–many of them on secondment from the UK.”

Steve Rose, general manager for SATRA in China added:“Not only does the new laboratory represent a significant step forward in what we can do locally, it is also a‘shop window’for test equipment where potential customers can see the machines working for themselves and undertake training in their use.”

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文章关键词: SATRA  open testing laboratory  footwear 


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