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China's Bosideng in overseas expansion mode

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-18 09:04:00  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏

China’s biggest producer and distributor of down clothing, Bosideng International Holdings awaits response of London’s customers, before it can carry forward its plan of opening stores in Milan and New York.

The company, which operates more than 8,000 retail stores in China, ventured into overseas market for the first time in July this year by launching a flagship outlet in London’s South Molton Street, a location where some of the city’s most popular brands have their retail outlets.

The store is quite close to two of the London’s well-known locations - Savile Row and Jermyn Street, which are popular for their high-class tailoring.

The company spent£35 million for launching its London outlet, which would serve as its base in Europe. The sum is considered to be a big one for the company whose profits average at around 1.4 billion yuan or US$ 223 million.

Bosideng intends to utilize the London outlet as a base for expanding in UK and other markets, Reuters quoted Gao Dekang, Founder and Chairman of the company, as saying.

Besides the down-padded jackets, which are its trademark, Bosideng has also launched limited collections of dark suits and blazers in London. The products compete with British brands like Barbour, which produces waterproof jackets, and goose-down jacket producer Moncler.

Mr. Dekang said they are currently negotiating a deal with a leading Italian brand, which would help them in setting up a retail outlet in Milan. While the Italian firm would help them foray in retail market in Italy, Bosideng would help it in launching its brand in China. The move is likely to transpire in autumn or winter next year.

Meanwhile, the Chinese firm, which is already present in New York’s wholesale space, is also hunting a location for setting up a retail outlet there.

Bosideng’s efforts to penetrate in international space are a happy development from the times of establishment of the firm in 1976, when Mr. Dekang would drive his bike 80 km to Shanghai to display his art of preparing a pair of men’s trousers in just 17 minutes.

Source: Fibre2fashion

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