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People's Park dance floor to share Finnish fashion culture

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-22 08:31:27  来源:Marimekko 收藏

Marimekko will introduce itself to the Chinese fashion and design media and tastemakers on 27 October 2012 by presenting its autumn/winter 2012 clothing collection in the People’s Park in Shanghai. According to information received by Marimekko, the fashion show is the first one ever organized in the People’s Park. Expressing its unique approach to fashion, the fashion and design house will showcase the collection in collaboration with the renowned Jin Xing Dance Theatre, bringing together two art forms, fashion and dance.

The same day, an exhibition entitled Design Colours Life - Contemporary Finnish Design and Marimekko will open in the Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) Shanghai, in the heart of the People’s Park, presenting Marimekko as a forerunner and example of the inclusive, democratic approach of Finnish design thinking and sharing the story on how its bold patterns and colours, timeless designs, play an important international role in increasing the emotional wellbeing of people. The exhibition will run until 7 December 2012.

Marimekko began its journey into the hearts of the Chinese people last spring by opening its first store in Hong Kong in May.

"We have the great honour to be, to our knowledge, the first fashion house in the world to organize a fashion show outdoors in the splendid People’s Park in Shanghai. We did not want to present Marimekko to the Chinese through an ordinary fashion show–we wanted to create an experience connecting Marimekko’s fashion to modern dance in an unforeseen way: based on the choreography crafted by world-renowned Jin Xing and performed by talented Chinese dancers. In my opinion, the show also makes a beautiful bridge to the exhibition Design Colours Life - Contemporary Finnish Design and Marimekko opening at the same time at MoCA.

"The exhibition showcases Marimekko’s design philosophy and creative culture and it also serves to pave the way for the entire Finnish design industry, being the main event of Radical Design Week, an exposition of Finnish future-oriented design and innovation to be held in Shanghai from 26 October to 4 November 2012.

"I hope that with these groundbreaking events we will touch the hearts of the Chinese with their magnificent own culture. Our objective is to make Marimekko one of the most fascinating design brands in China and open 14 stores in the market by the end of 2016.

"Our long-term work began with our first introduction in the Shanghai World Expo in 2010 and this May we opened our first store in Hong Kong. Attaining our target position in China will take years, but the Chinese consumer market is growing fast and I am confident that the investments we are making will bear fruit before long,” explains Mika Ihamuotila, President and CEO of Marimekko.

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