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Teijin to present eco-friendly materials at Intertextile

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-22 08:46:45  来源:Nantong Teijin Co Ltd 收藏

Nantong Teijin Co Ltd, the Teijin Group's polyester textile manufacturing and processing company in Nantong, China, announced its participation in Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, the world's largest apparel fabric trade fair, which will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre in Shanghai from October 22 to 25.

The Nantong Teijin booth (Hall E3, Stand B06) will present high-performance polyester fabrics for sports and outdoor wear and environmentally friendly solutions, including:

Polyester taffetas made with MICROFT, a moisture permeable, water repellent fabric produced with high-quality functional microfiber. Various versions feature a combination of unique properties such as ultra-low weight and stretchiness, or enhanced moisture permeability and water repellency up to pressures of 10,000 mmH2O or greater achieved through special lamination.- Newly developed knitted-shirt fabrics made with fibers offering special functional properties for heat shielding or adjustable ventilation.

The company also will present ECO CIRCLE, the world's first closed-loop recycling system developed by the Teijin group, which turns used polyester into new fibers that offer the purity and quality of petroleum-derived fibers.

In addition, Nantong Teijin will introduce its enhanced converting capabilities in collaboration with N.I. Teijin Shoji (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a Teijin group company specializing in procurement and integrated service.

Nantong Teijin, which will appear in the show for the tenth time, is steadily developing its Chinese and global markets for sports and outdoor wear.

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