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American Apparel's biggest global outlet opens in Beijing

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-22 08:49:26  来源:American Apparel 收藏

American Apparel, the vertically integrated clothing manufacturer based in downtown Los Angeles, has announced the opening of a new store Beijing. Located in the new Parkview Green mall, the store will mark the company's second location in Beijing and its fourth in China. At almost 7500 square feet, it will be the biggest international location operated by American Apparel to date.

"Beijing has been a political, educational and cultural capitol in China for centuries, and now with people flocking to the city from all over the world, it's a place we're excited to expand in. We're very proud to offer our Made in USA products to China and pleased with their response to the ethical practices behind the brand. We are proud to bring our Made in the USA version of the American Dream to this part of the world," said Katherine Johnson, regional manager of Asia.

The store will be located inside Parkview Green, an innovative and sustainably designed mall in the Chaoyang District that uses about half the energy of similarly sized malls. The increased awareness and excitement about the brand following American Apparel's first store in the Nali Mall in Sanlitun made the Chaoyang District, one of the largest shopping and business districts in Beijing, a natural next step for expansion. These demographics, in addition to Parkview's status as the "greenest" building in Beijing, made it the ideal location for American Apparel to open what is now its largest international location.

"American Apparel's expansion, including this opening, has created a total of 100 fair wage jobs at both the retail and operational level in China so far. We're very proud of that and look forward to creating more," Johnson said.

In addition to its brick and mortar locations, the company operates an online shopping portal for Chinese consumers in conjunction with Taobao. American Apparel has also recently opened an online store in Hong Kong. The company will be opening its own dedicated online store for China later this year.

American Apparel is a vertically integrated manufacturer, distributor and retailer of branded fashion basic apparel based in downtown Los Angeles, California.

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文章关键词: American Apparel  biggest global outlet 


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