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Showcase of NILIT Breeze Cooling Fiber at Intertextile

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-23 08:32:05  来源:Nilit 收藏

Nilit, a global leader in the production of nylon 6.6, announced it will be exhibiting many of its revolutionary yarns, including Nilit Breeze, at Intertextile Shanghai 2012 tradeshow. Nilit Breeze, Nilit’s most recent innovation, is a revolutionary nylon 6.6 fiber that has been proven to cool wearers by almost one degree Celsius in comparison to fabrics knitted with standard fibers.

The leading international trade fair for apparel fabrics and accessories, Intertextile Shanghai is held yearly in China. The tradeshow will take place this year from October 22nd-25th, 2012 in the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. The Nilit yarns will be on show at the Nilit booth,–Hall W3, Stand C72/D75.

Nilit Breeze–The perfect solution for sports garments, hosiery and shapewearThe focus point of Nilit’s exhibit at this year’s Intertextile Shanghai show will be Nilit Breeze. A specialty performance yarn, Nilit Breeze is ideal for sportswear, hosiery, underwear, shapewear, socks, outerwear and workwear. The yarn’s cooling effect comes from a special cross-section, the insertion of an inorganic additive in the polymer itself and a unique texturing process.

This combination gives fabrics very efficient ventilation capabilities and UV protective properties for the life of the garment. As a result, garments made with Nilit Breeze keep the wearer more comfortable during and after physical exertion. Visitors to Nilit’s booth at Intertextile Shanghai will have the opportunity to feel firsthand the difference this amazing fiber can make in how comfortable sportswear and under garments can be.

"People come to Intertextile Shanghai expecting to see cutting edge innovations that can enhance their products, and they will see plenty of that at the Nilit booth, said Michal Ron Gavish, Global Marketing Manager at Nilit.“This year, especially, we are looking forward to letting show visitors experience for themselves the enhanced comfort that Nilit Breeze offers.”

Nilit specializes in developing yarns with exceptional performance properties. In addition to its new Nilit Breeze yarn, Nilit will be exhibiting its full range of yarns, which includes: Nilit Aquarius–high-performance yarn with moisture management properties, Nilit Bodyfresh - anti-bacterial yarn which inhibits growth of odor-causing bacteria, Nilit Softex - full dull microfiber yarn that delivers supreme softness and rich coloration, Nilit Ecocare - recycled yarn with excellent color depth and dye uniformity and Nilit Innergy which has a built-in, naturally occurring mineral additive that creates far infrared ray (FIR) emissions.

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