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Uzbekistan harvests 3.35mn tons of cotton this season

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-24 08:56:37  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
Announcing the end of cotton harvesting season in the country, Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov said that over 3.35 million tons of cotton has been harvested this season.
The President congratulated cotton growers in the country for their achievement in the midst of severe adversities. 
He said rains, snowfall and chilling climate made it difficult for farmers to get their land ready for cultivation in time.
Even during summers, considered to be a key period for growth of cotton plants, temperatures remained above normal. Moreover, pest attack and crop diseases also created serious problems, he added.
However, with their labour, diligence and commitment, cotton farmers across the country managed to achieve an average yield of 26.5 tons per hectare, which is a rise of 1.6 quintals over average of past five years, the President said.
The crop was harvested in just 35 working days and 90 percent of the crop so harvested was of high quality.
Yields of some of the regions even grew to 35-40 quintals, equalling to an output of 45-50 tons per hectare.
The President said such good harvest of high quality cotton would ensure availability of best quality raw inputs to processors in the country, enabling production of over 25 different varieties of textiles. This would enhance the country’s foreign exchange earnings from exports of high quality cotton fibre and other value added items.
Introduction of some of the fundamental changes in agriculture, and ensuring its proper management in lines with its present-day requirements, proper work management and encouragement to farmers were termed as the key contributors by Mr. Karimov, which ensured the country’s enhanced cotton output.
He said significant importance was attached to selection and planting of new crop varieties based on the soil and climatic conditions of different regions, introducing modern techniques of agriculture and adoption of biological methods to fight plant diseases.
The Reclamation of Land program, launched around five years back, is seen to have improved condition and productivity of over 1.2 million hectares of cotton fields. Under the program, the Government has sanctioned around 800 billion soms from the State Budget till now, which includes the 210 billion soms allocated this year.
Source: Fibre2fashion
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