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Invista invests $20million to expand plant in Camden, S.C.

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-25 08:49:07  来源:Invista 收藏

INVISTA, a producer of polymers and fibers, primarily for nylon, spandex and polyester applications, will invest $20 million to expand its performance surfaces and materials division at its Camden, South Carolina, production facility to better serve its carpet mill customer base, with plans to hire 50 additional employees.

"An investment of this size will further strengthen INVISTA Camden’s position as the preferred supplier of nylon 6,6 carpet fibers for residential and commercial end products,”said Paul Liddle, Camden site manager for INVISTA.“Our strong and skilled employment base of more than 700, and continued commitment to environmental, health and safety excellence have positioned our site well for this investment.”

"Delivering increased value and improving customer service are two key elements of this investment,”added Liddle.“This investment is a direct reflection of the more than 700 hardworking employees who create value for our customers, and we’re pleased to be able to add more members to the team. Additionally, we appreciate support of Kershaw County and the South Carolina Department of Commerce for this capital expansion.”

The expansion will include the addition of new equipment and reconfiguration of existing equipment. Camden said its proximity to mill customers in the southeast U.S. was also a key factor in the decision to expand the facility’s production. The company said customers are expected to benefit from reduced shipping time, increased order flexibility, reduced lead-time for orders, as well as new product offerings, including the company’s TruBlend fiber product, which contains a total of 30 percent pre- and post-consumer recycled content.

"Today’s announcement from INVISTA is another win for one of our state’s rural areas. It is always exciting when one of our state’s existing businesses chooses to grow in South Carolina. We celebrate INVISTA’s decision to invest $20 million and create 50 new jobs,”said Gov. Nikki Haley. Information on any incentives offered the firm was not immediately available.

"We continue to see manufacturers making investments across the state. Today’s announcement from INVISTA further strengthens South Carolina’s manufacturing sector, and brings jobs that will have positive impact to Kershaw County,”said Secretary of Commerce Bobby Hitt.

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