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International textile expo in China's Keqiao from Oct 26

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-26 08:27:37  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
The 2012 China Keqiao International Textiles, Fabrics and Accessories Autumn Exhibition would be held in Keqioa city in Shaoxing County of China from October 26.
The expo is looked upon as a mega textile industry fair in China, as it affords domestic firms to showcase their products before international firms, helping them to explore overseas business opportunities.
Sponsored by the Shaoxing County government, the four-day event is likely to draw buyers and suppliers from 41 countries and regions. 
Items on display would include home textiles, fabrics, yarn and other textile raw materials.
According to organizers, 567 firms, both local and overseas, have booked record 1,300 stalls to be a part of this year’s expo at Zhejiang province based 31,000 sq m Keqiao exhibition centre.
More than 100 stalls at the expo have been booked by companies from South Korea, Japan, Italy, Germany and Mexico.
The exhibition centre would mainly have four sections, including sections for textile manufacturing equipments and textiles.
The Award Ceremony of China International Fashion Creative Design 2012 and the China International Fabrics Design Fair 2012 are some other key events planned during the expo.
Trade volumes of last year’s expo crossed 5.4 billion yuan.
Alongside this year’s expo at Keqiao, other related trade events like the Home Textile Market and the Scarf Trading Mark, would also be held at different locations in Shaoxing.
Source: Fibre2fashion
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