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China textile city performs well in September

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-31 08:54:29  来源:China - Keqiao Textile Index 收藏
The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China issued the business in China textile city during the month of September 2012. According to the monthly statistics, in September, 2012, the total sales volume of the textile markets in China textile city was 326.37 million meters, up by 88.75% from that of last month and down by 8.07% year on year; the total sales volume from Jan.-September was 2.92014 billion meters, up by 0.47% year on year. The turnover of textile markets in China textile city in September was 4.05957 billion yuan, up by 83.02% from last month and up by 20.87% year on year. The total turnover accumulated from January to September was 34.81064 billion yuan, up by 9.03% year on year.

Recently, the autumn sales in China textile city rises up gradually, the business in the traditional markets goes smoothly before the national day and the mid-autumn day, and the sales volume increases.

Some cloths companies with a shop in front and a factory behind and large business households have an increase in the spot transaction and large orders for marketable autumn and winter fabrics, and the sales of the fabrics in creative designs increase with large sales volume and turnover. The purchase of autumn and winter apparel fabrics increases, and the business in dyed, printed, jacquard, embroidered, coated and yarn-dyed fabrics rise up.
The price index of issue 20121001 of “China - Keqiao Textile Index” closed at 105.81 points, 0.21% higher than that of last week. The price index declined 0.89% from the beginning of this year and down 3.10% from the same period of last year. In this issue, the indices on the first classifications indicated: the price index on grey cloths, apparel fabrics and fashion accessories rose up in some degree, boosting the general price index. However, the price index on raw materials and home textile declined, relatively restricting the rising rate of the general price index.
The international oil price fluctuated in a downtrend, and the cotton price continued to rise up.
Recently, since the international oil price fluctuates, the prices of PTA and MEG vibrates in a downtrend. For instance, the trading price of spot goods of PTA in east China was 8330 yuan/ton on Sept. 21 at least, and rose to 8350 uan/ton on Sept. 28; the trading price of spot goods of MEG in east China was 8300 yuan/ton on Sept. 21 at least and declined to 8210 yuan/ton on Sept. 28.
 The trading price of spot goods of semi-dull polyester chips in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was 10500 yuan/ton on Sept. 21 on cash acceptance, and was raised to 10400 yuan/ton on Sept. 28.The prices fluctuated and went down. The domestic cotton price kept rising. For instance, the domestic 328 cotton was quoted 18651 yuan/ton on Sept. 21 and closed at 18671 yuan/ton on Sept. 28, rising 20 yuan per ton; 229 cotton was quoted 19585 yuan/ton on Sept. 21, and closed at 19594 yuan/ton on Sept. 28, rising 9 yuan per ton.
Polyester yarns market continued to go down. Recently, polyester yarns market in Qianqing Raw Materials Market of China textile city continues to go down, the sales in polyester yarns market go smoothly, most quotations keep meandering sideways, and the market tends to go down before the rise. Most quotations basically remain stable, but the business tends to go quite differently.
The production and marketing of POY go relatively well, DTY continues to go up and down, and the sales of FDY decline. The inventory rises up slowly, but the pressure on the inventory still can be controlled. As the National Day and the Mid-autumn Day come nearer, weaving plants increase the purchase for the storage, but the whole market sale appears dull, and the business of some polyester yarns companies increases very slowly.

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