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Mexico seeks dialogue with China on textile subsidies

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-31 08:57:48  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
The Government of Mexico is seeking a dialogue with the Chinese Government to discuss the subsidies provided to the textile sector in China, which is impacting the Mexican domestic industry, Bruno Ferrari, Secretary of the Ministry of Economy, Mexico, has said.
Speaking at the inauguration of the 36th Congress of the National Garment Industry, organized by the National Chamber of the Clothing Industry (Canaive), Mr. Ferrari said the subsidies given to the Chinese textile sector is damaging Mexican trade and hence, the Government of Mexico seeks to have a dialogue with China on the issue.
He further said the Government is seeking support of other countries in its dialogue with China.
The official said it becomes difficult to compete when products from other nations enter the country at price that is below the domestic price.
Although the volume of Chinese goods entering Mexico has not risen, the practice of giving subsidy to textile sector exists in China and the Mexican Government is demanding fair trade practices in accordance with international trade norms under the World Trade Organization (WTO), Mr. Ferrari said.
Mr. Ferrari said the clothing industry is of great importance for Mexican economy as it is a major foreign exchange earning sector as well as job creator.
Since 2008, over 28,000 new jobs have been created in the Mexican textile and garment sector.
Source: Fibre2fashion
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文章关键词: Mexico  dialogue with China  textile subsidy 


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