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Solvay increases price for soda ash in Europe

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-10-31 09:15:27  来源:Solvay 收藏
Solvay increases its price for soda ash in Europe by 10?T effective for deliveries starting January 1st, 2013 or as contracts allow.

This price increase reflects increasing costs of production and is necessary to secure ongoing industrial performance.

Solvay remains committed to the soda ash business and as a leading supplier, intends to secure future product availability, supply reliability and continuity in quality to best meet our customers’ needs and market conditions.

The story of the Solvay group began in 1861, when Ernest Solvay discovered the key to the "industrial manufacture of soda ash using sea salt, ammoniac and carbonic acid". In 1863, Ernest Solvay patented a revolutionary ammonia-soda process for producing sodium carbonate which is still widely used today for glass, washing powder and flue gas cleaning. The first soda factory started operating in Couillet, Belgium in 1865.

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