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He Guozheng displays exotic designs at China Fashion Week

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-11-01 09:20:21  来源:China Fashion Week 收藏
Asahi Kasei•Creative awards—He Guozheng works show held in the Golden Hall of Beijing Hotel during China Fashion Week. As the first winning designer from Hong Kong, He Guozheng brought an exotic works show to the audience, based on the theme “Midsummer Fiesta” and his joining instill the fresh fashionable creativity to the “Asahi Kasei•Creative awards”.

During the He Guozheng works show, the traditional designing style that using cold tones were cold-shouldered by appling enthusiastic music, shining colors, flowery makeup, and beautiful models. The audience really enjoyed a visual feast in midsummer.

The inspiration of He Guozheng’s works show was oriented from Rio Carnival, a celebrated event in Brazil. Latin American culture integrated is full of modern sense. In choosing textile materials, he used a lot of woven cotton sewed up with golden and silver lines, pure silk satin, silk chiffon and knitted fabric to present the high fashionable taste.

Besides, painted chiffon from rainforest, the lace and grenadine created the sense of depth and profusion effects. In clipping and those lines, classical beauty and fashion sense are tactfully bent in the way of cliiping. Thus could present and highlight oriental women’s charm.

Many kinds of vivid and fresh colors, such as coral, peach, maize yellow, emerald-green, turquoise blue were used and formed unique and featured works during the “midsummer fiesta”, together with brisk white, apricot and brown. Viewing the details, He Guozheng, the designer, fastidiously applied SWAROVSKI Crystal and pearls into the accessories, which is the best manifestation in binding and embroidery. The match of different colorful feathers and shining crystals and the sharp contract between different materials may further create a dynamic and orchestic atmosphere.

As the first Hong Kong designer who wins the Asahi Kasei•Creative awards, He Guozheng understood Asahi Kasei’s philosophy of environmental protection. Meanwhile, his designing philosophy happened to be the same with Asahi Kasei’s that deeply believes making fashionable clothes is a continuous process.

Only by incessant communication and impact can the new ideas and breakthroughs be made. The collaboration between He and Asahi Kasei provides an excellent communication stage for those dedicated to fashion, both in Hong Kong and in the mainland. In this works show, models’ makeup was made by shiseido style team, a Japanese fashion make-up brand. Shiseido’s joining brought more creativity and joyfulness.

"Asahi Kasei•Creative awards” is directly hosted twice per year by China International Fashion Week Committee, Asahi Kasei joint stock company and Asahi Kasei textile joint stock company and jointly hosted by the fashion committee of China Fashion Designers' Association, China Bentley Culture Development Co. , Ltd.The “Asahi Kasei•Creative awards” has been successfully held for five years since it firstly initiated in 2007 and it also held ten personal works show for China’s famous fashion designers, such as Liu Wei, Zou You, Gu Yi, Liu Yong, Liu Yang, Zhang Yichao, Wu Xuwei, Wu Xuekai, Shi Jie, Li Xiaoyan and Ji Wenbo. Consequently, those designers could have a broader development space both domestically and internationally.

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文章关键词: He Guozheng  exotic designs  China Fashion Week 


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