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Start up of Fushun Petrochemical's ethylene unit

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-11-05 09:22:26  来源:China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) 收藏

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) announced the successful start-up of the 800Kt/a ethylene unit at Fushun Petrochemical, all the eight production units of the 1Mt/a ethylene capacity expansion project operated together and turned out qualified products, marking the full operation of Fushun Petrochemical's "10 Mt/a refining and 1Mt/a ethylene" project. 

From now on, Fushun Petrochemical is capable of processing 11.5 million tons of crude and producing one million tons of ethylene per annum, and also serves as a world-class production base for paraffin, lubricant base oil, alkyl benzene and synthetic resin. 

CNPC has built eight 10Mt/a refining bases — Dalian Petrochemical, Dalian West Pacific Petrochemical, Fushun Petrochemical, Jilin Petrochemical, Lanzhou Petrochemical, Dushanzi Petrochemical, Guangxi Petrochemical and Liaoyang Petrochemical. Meanwhile, five 1Mt/a-scale ethylene production bases are located at Dushanzi Petrochemical, Lanzhou Petrochemical, Jilin Petrochemical, Daqing Petrochemical and Fushun Petrochemical respectively. 
CNPC is China's largest oil and gas producer and supplier, as well as one of the world's major oilfield service providers and a globally reputed contractor in engineering construction. With a presence in almost 70 countries, we are seeking an even greater international role.
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